Boost the use of your brand collateral & gain unique insights

Upload your images, videos and PDFs to a collection for veterinary practices to find, download, customise & share on social media.

Share your campaign collateral with Vet Social users

As a brand, you will be able to create “Collections”, which allow you to group together media and assets for upcoming campaigns or evergreen content that you want to share with Veterinary practices.

Assign images, videos, gifs and PDFs to a Collection, which are then instantly discoverable by practices using Vet Social.

Done For You

Offer a 'mini' managed service to guarantee your content gets used

Vet practices are busy places, and often the person dealing with social don’t always have time to speak to all stakeholders to discover which content could be getting shared.

With our ‘mini’ managed service, you can now offer to handle content curation, planning and sending from your Collections direct to a practice’s social media profiles.

Unique data inisghts

Track the performance of your content shared by Vet Social practices

Whenever a piece of your content is shared via Vet Social we can track its performance – shares, likes, comments, reach.

This data, when combined across hundreds of veterinary social media profiles, gives you a unique insight into the true effectiveness of the content you’re creating. Test, focus, refine and improve your overall performance.

Add more value

Offer Vet Social as a perk

When you add a Collection to Vet Social you gain the opportunity to offer a discounted account to veterinary practices you’re engaged with.

Add this as a perk to sweeten any deal you have in the works.

Built-in design tool

Allow customisations - or prevent modifications

Our optional built-in design tool allows veterinary practices to update your design: tweak colours, add their logo, modify the text.

Of course, sometimes you don’t want your collateral to be changed, so we can lock off certain areas so they can’t be modified by Vet Social users.

Increase reach

Sponsor awareness days, hashtags & more

Increase the reach and awareness of your products, brand and campaigns by sponsoring awareness days (which appear throughout the system).

Take things a step further and pay for preferential placement of your collection, and inclusion in our marketing collateral including newsletters, social media posts, blog posts and more.

Download our exclusive 2022 marketing calendar

Never miss an awareness day with the world’s #1 social content calendar for veterinary practices.

Sadly Vet Social will be shutting down at the end of April. Please make sure to export any data you need from your account prior to shut down, as it will be deleted.